Monday, March 21, 2011

My Dinner on This Monday

     On this Monday I went to my friend's house and ate dinner with his family.His family are all friendly and funny.They take me to an expensive restaurant in Hsin Chu.The restaurant's name is Yung He and this restaurant is very famous in Taiwan because it always sell many kinds of great food all day.

    From this photo everybody can see what was my dinner on this Monday.There were pot-sticker , egg cakes , soybean milk , fried bread stick and shui janbao. I  satisfied and enjoyed in this dinner.I want to thanks my friend and his family.


  1. If I only watch this picture , I will take it as 八方雲集 XD.(I’m very sorry about my badly ability of observation) . I guess it is much more delicious than that.
    By the way , the other day I talk about the ranking of the 鍋貼 with friends, most of they both say that 八方雲集 is better than 四海遊龍 . Well, I actually not agree with it . XD

  2. I found that in left of picture,there is 油條蛋餅,is my dinner,not yours. You lier!
