Tuesday, April 12, 2011


    The weather was very good on this Sunday so my classmates and I decided to eat something special to celebrated the good weather. We found a lot of information of many restaurants on the internet and we chose a restaurant at last, it's called "Just eat" , in Chinese is "出一張嘴". It is a very famous restaurant in Tapei because of its ice-cream.

   We ate some ice-cream first and I thought its ice-cream were the most delicious I had never eaten. When we finished enjoying the ice-cream we started to eat meat. Its meat were delicious too. The meat were juicy , tender and smell great. And this restaurant is not only ice-cream and meat. It also provides seafood , beverages , wines and vegetables. I love this restaurant very much and I will come again after the mid-ternm exam.


  1. Does the ice cream have a name (brand)? Or is it made by this restaurant? Where is this restaurant? I do want to try their ice cream, because you said” its ice-cream were the most delicious I had never eaten”. It is good that the restaurant provides wines, and I think my classmates would like it! XD

  2. Is it Häagen-Dazs?? XD

    I haven't been to this restaurant yet, it sounds interesting. I think I'll go and google for it later and see if the price is acceptable, and then I'll have one more choice for the gathering!

    Thanks dude! ^^

  3. Oh, I heard this restaurant before. (Actually, there is one on my way home)I also want to try it but I remember it isn't cheap:( I want to eat ice cream, too!!!! Bon appetite!

  4. The honey icecream is really tasty! I love it so much! And the meat is delicious,too. There's dish called "Lemon Chicken". As the name implies, you can feel the fragrance of lemon when your taste it. It's really a good restaurant.

  5. I saw your picture about dinner,I feel so hungry, so I decide to try the restaurant you introduce.I hope i can enjoy it's ice cream too.

  6. Look very delicious.That seeing the pictures in this time make me hungry.So next time when I'm leisure,I will try the restaurant that you introduced.

  7. I have the same idea that eating BBQ is the best way to have a good day with warm weather. XD This restaurant is really famous with their ice-cream, and it is the reason why it is hard to make an appointment, too.
    It seems the writer had a great dinner yesterday. XD
